At what age am I eligible for full Normal Retirement Benefits?
If you are an Active Participant, the current Normal Retirement Age is 63.
How many years of service do I need to be eligible for Normal Retirement Benefits?
You need 5 years of uninterrupted Continuous Service immediately before retirement to become eligible for Normal Retirement Benefits.
At what age am I first eligible for Early Retirement Benefits?
You are eligible for Early Retirement Benefits at age 55 provided you have at least 10 uninterrupted years of Continuous Service immediately before retirement, and are Retired. However, your full Normal Retirement Benefit would be reduced for early payment of benefits. In order to be considered “Retired” you must have ceased working for all contributing Employers.
How much is my Normal Retirement Benefit reduced for Early Retirement?
The amount of the reduction depends on your age at retirement, as well as when the Continuous Service was earned:
For all uninterrupted years of Continuous Service earned through 05/31/2016:
The reduction is 1% for each year that you retire before age 63 (1/12 of 1% for each month you retired before age 63).
For all uninterrupted years of Continuous Service earned 06/01/2016 & later:
The reduction is determined by your age when Early Retirement Benefits begin, as follows:
Note: For Participants with 30 or more years of Continuous Service in the Plan, the reduction is 1% for each year benefits are paid prior to age 63.
For all uninterrupted years of Continuous Service earned through 05/31/2016:
The reduction is 1% for each year that you retire before age 63 (1/12 of 1% for each month you retired before age 63).
For all uninterrupted years of Continuous Service earned 06/01/2016 & later:
The reduction is determined by your age when Early Retirement Benefits begin, as follows:
Age at Retirement | Reduction for hours worked 06/01/2016 & later: |
55 | 4% for each year benefits are paid prior to age 63 |
56 | 3% for each year benefits are paid prior to age 63 |
57 | 2% for each year benefits are paid prior to age 63 |
58-62 | 1% for each year benefits are paid prior to age 63 |
How many years of Continuous Service are required to be eligible for Disability Benefits?
You must have at least 10 uninterrupted years of Continuous Service to become eligible for Disability Benefits. However, if your disability is the result of an on-the-job injury while you were working for a Contributing Employer, and Workers Compensation benefits were paid, you need only 5 years of Continuous Service to be eligible for Disability Benefits. Please note: to be eligible for Disability Benefits, you must have become disabled within 12 months of the last contribution received in this Pension Fund on your behalf.
What medical information is needed to substantiate a disability?
There must be sufficient evidence the condition satisfies the Plan definition of Disability. Your personal physician must find you Disabled (have a physical or mental condition that prevents you from working in at your regular occupation, and such condition is expected to last at least 8 months), and Pension Fund Medical Forms must be completed by your physician and returned as part of your application for benefits. The medical forms are reviewed by the Pension Fund physician before your application is considered by the Trustees. Please note that you must have a medical exam within 90 days of the date you want benefit payments to begin. If you are receiving Social Security Disability Benefits or were awarded a total and permanent disability from the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, it may not be necessary for your physician to complete a Pension Fund Medical Form.
What must I do to apply for Disability Benefits?
You can come to the Pension Fund Office to apply for benefits, or application forms can be mailed to you. If you become disabled, you should apply for benefits as soon as possible since benefits are payable the first of the month following receipt of your completed application.
How long are you eligible for Disability Benefits?
If you receive Disability Benefits because you are prevented from working at your Trade, you are eligible to receive benefits for a maximum of 24-months (three 8-month periods). If you are receiving Disability Benefits because you are totally and permanently disabled and prevented from any type of gainful employment, and that disability in fact continues, you continue to receive benefits until you die or reach age 55. At age 55, you become eligible for Early Retirement Benefits.
Can I work while receiving Disability Benefits?
If you return to work at your Trade or in Plan-related Employment, Disability Benefits stop. If you pursue other types of employment, your earnings may cause your Disability Benefits to be discontinued because such work is inconsistent with a finding of disability. If, during a one-month period, your work-related earnings from other types of employment exceed $2,400, you would be considered gainfully employed and Disability Benefits would be discontinued. $2,400 is equal to 160 hours at $15.00 per hour.
What happens if I recover and am able to return to my regular work?
If you are able to return to work, you should notify the Pension Fund Office immediately. If you are receiving Disability Benefits for being disabled at your Trade, and you do not receive these benefits for 24 months, a repayment may be due the Pension Fund. Pension Fund staff will advise you of any repayment at the time Disability Benefits are discontinued. If you fail to notify the Pension Fund Office, and it is later determined that you were no longer eligible to receive disability benefits, any disability benefits you have received since your eligibility expired will need to be repaid.
What benefits are payable if I die before receiving Retirement Benefits?
If you are an Active Participant at the time of death, a Survivor Benefit and a Death Benefit may be payable.
How much is the Death Benefit?
The Death Benefit amount is $1.00 per hour credited, with the maximum death benefit being $50,000.
How do I name a beneficiary for the Death Benefit?
You may designate or change a beneficiary when you complete a Pension Fund Registration Form. If you would prefer a paper copy, you may contact the Pension Fund Office to have one mailed to you or obtain a copy at the Fund Office.
What is a Survivor Benefit?
A Survivor benefit is a benefit payable based on your record of service with the Pension Fund. This Survivor benefit is payable either on a monthly basis or a lump sum basis, depending upon the choice made by the beneficiary.
Who is my beneficiary for the Survivor’s Benefit?
If you are married, your spouse is the automatic beneficiary of this benefit payment. If you are not married, you may designate a beneficiary when you complete a Pension Fund Registration Form. If you are not married, you may also change your Survivor Benefit beneficiary at any time by completing a new Pension Fund Registration Form. If you would prefer a paper copy, you may contact the Pension Fund Office to have one mailed to you, or obtain a copy at the Fund Office.
How is the amount of the Survivor Benefit determined?
The benefit payable to your beneficiary is determined by your pension credit, as well as how your beneficiary elects to receive the benefit payment.
When is my beneficiary eligible to receive the Survivor Benefit?
Your beneficiary can elect to receive benefits as soon as possible after your death, or your beneficiary can delay the benefit payment until a future date. However, the benefit must be paid no later than the date you would have attained age 63.
How is the benefit paid?
Your beneficiary can elect to receive either a monthly payment or a lump sum payment.
What benefits are payable if I die after Retirement Benefits have started?
There are different benefit options available under the Plan, some of which protect a beneficiary after death. Therefore, any Survivor Benefit or Death Benefit payable after your death will be determined by the option you choose at the time of retirement.
Can I return to work after I retire?
Yes, you may return to work after retirement. If you return to work in Plan-related Employment, a limited amount of work is permitted after retirement benefits begin before benefits are suspended. If you are not working in Plan-related Employment, your work will not affect your eligibility for benefits from this Pension Fund. Be sure to contact the Pension Fund Office before you return to work, so that the rules can be explained to you in detail.
If you are receiving Early Retirement or Early Deferred Vested Benefits, before returning to work in Plan-related Employment you must show a true intent to retire, as explained here: Intent to Retire Form and Notice.
If you are receiving Early Retirement or Early Deferred Vested Benefits, before returning to work in Plan-related Employment you must show a true intent to retire, as explained here: Intent to Retire Form and Notice.
How many hours can I work in Plan-related Employment and continue to receive my Pension Benefits?
You are eligible to work up to 320 hours per calendar year; once you reach 320 hours, you are limited to 39 hours per month thereafter. Once you reach 320 hours, your retirement benefit is suspendible for those months in which you work more than 39 hours.
The detailed rules regarding working after retirement are explained here:
Returning to Work After Retirement
During periods of Full Employment, the suspension of benefit rules may be modified. Please refer to Page 96 of the 2021 Summary Plan Description for an explanation of the modification.
The detailed rules regarding working after retirement are explained here:
Returning to Work After Retirement
During periods of Full Employment, the suspension of benefit rules may be modified. Please refer to Page 96 of the 2021 Summary Plan Description for an explanation of the modification.
How are monthly benefits paid?
Monthly benefits are paid by direct deposit to your personal bank account.
When are pension checks paid?
Benefits are payable on the first business day of each month. For example, a May benefit payment is payable May 1st. If the first of the month falls on a weekend or a holiday, the benefit is not available until the first business day following the weekend or holiday.
What happens if I move?
If you move, please be sure to notify the Pension Fund Office of your new address. You can do this by visiting, calling, writing, or emailing (see Contact Us tab) the Pension Fund Office. When writing, please be sure to include your Social Security Number.
Is my Pension Benefit taxable?
All benefits paid by the Pension Fund are subject to income tax.
Will I receive a tax statement showing how much I received in pension benefits?
A form 1099R will be mailed no later than January 31st of each year. This form reports the total benefit amount you received in the prior calendar year.
How do I earn a year of Continuous Service?
You receive one year of Continuous Service for any Plan Year during which you perform 300 or more hours of work under a Collective Bargaining Agreement requiring contributions to this Pension Fund on your behalf. (A Plan Year starts on June 1 and ends the following May 31. For example, the 2023 Plan Year starts on June 1, 2022 and ends May 31, 2023.)
When do I become vested in the Plan?
You become fully vested in the Plan when you earn 5 years of Continuous Service.
Will my service be affected if I am not working for a period of time?
Your service will not be affected unless you work less than 300 hours in each of three consecutive Plan Years. If this happens, Continuous Service is interrupted and you may lose Active status under the Plan. Note: There are circumstances that may protect your Active status. You should contact the Pension Fund Office to obtain information if it appears your service may be interrupted.
Can I lose the credit I have earned?
You cannot lose the credit you earned if you are vested in the Plan. If you are not vested, that is, have less than five years of Continuous Service, and you earn no years of service for five years, you will forfeit the credit earned.
What happens if I work for an Employer who fails to make contributions to the Pension Fund?
You will not lose credit for such hours, if you can provide evidence, such as your paycheck stubs, that you performed covered work for a contributing Employer. Please contact the Fund Office if you are concerned about this.
What happens to my pension contributions if I work in another area?
If you work outside of this Pension Fund’s jurisdiction, your pension contributions will probably be paid into another pension fund. To help you consolidate your pension benefits when working outside the jurisdiction of this Pension Fund, the Trustees honor a large number of reciprocity agreements with other funds. Each one of these funds have different rules on becoming a Participant and transferring hours. Prior to leaving this Pension Fund’s jurisdiction, contact the Pension Fund Office to see how your benefit may be affected. You may need to fill out a transfer form for hours worked out of this jurisdiction.
How do I change my address?
Complete a Change of Address Form. You may print and complete the form, or you may contact the Pension Fund Office and a form will be mailed to you.
How do I change my name?
Complete a Change of Name Form. You may print and complete the form, or you may contact the Pension Fund Office and a form will be mailed to you. Additional legal documentation may be required for name changes.
What happens if I stop working in construction before retirement?
If you are vested in the Plan, you will retain a right to a future Deferred Vested Retirement Benefit. If you are not vested in the Plan, you will forfeit all hours credited when five Plan years have gone by without earning a year of Continuous Service in one of the five Plan Years.
Can I make direct contributions into the Pension Fund?
No. Participants cannot make personal contributions into the Pension Fund.
Can I withdraw any money from the Pension Fund at any time for any reason?
No. Since this is a defined benefit plan, the Pension Fund may use assets only for benefits provided under the Plan and for administration expenses. Your Pension Fund record is maintained as years of service and hours credited. These records determine the amount of your benefit at the time you meet eligibility requirements for benefits.
Can my pension benefits be affected by a divorce?
Your pension credits or benefits can be divided as a result of a divorce. However, before the Pension Fund can pay a portion of your benefits to another individual, we must receive a Qualified Domestic Relations Order. This is a court order, which requires the Pension Fund to pay a portion of your benefits to either an ex-spouse, or the clerk of courts for child support.
Can creditors have access to my pension benefits?
Generally, Plan benefits cannot be attached by creditors.
Can I borrow from my pension account or benefits?
No. There are no provisions under the Plan which would allow you to take a loan against your pension.
How do I change my beneficiary?
You can change your beneficiary at any time by completing a new Beneficiary Designation Form. If you would prefer a paper copy, you may contact the Pension Fund Office to have one mailed to you, or obtain a copy at the Fund Office.
What happens if I don’t name a beneficiary on Pension Fund records and I die?
If benefits are payable, it will be paid to the first of those who survive you in the following order: your spouse; your surviving children and descendants of your deceased children; your parents; your brothers and sisters.
What must my beneficiaries do in the event of my death?
Your beneficiaries should contact the Pension Fund Office as soon as possible following your death and forward a copy of your Death Certificate when it becomes available. If any benefits are payable as a result of your death, application forms will be forwarded to the beneficiary as soon as possible.
What is the difference between a calendar year and a Plan Year?
Unlike a calendar year, which runs from January 1 through December 31, a Plan Year runs from June 1 through May 31. For example, the 2023 Plan Year reflects hours worked from June 1, 2022 through May 31, 2023.
What is the difference between actual hours and hours credited?
There are a number of reasons why actual hours might be different than credited hours. For instance, prior to the 2025 Plan Year, if your employer’s hourly pension contribution rate was higher or lower than the required minimum rate, your hours credited will be adjusted higher or lower than your actual hours worked to compensate for the different contribution rate paid. Also, if you were credited with less than 300 actual hours in a Plan Year, benefit hours credited will be zero. If you have a question regarding any differences between actual hours and credited hours in your history, you can contact the Pension Fund Office.
Why are no hours credited for my first year as an apprentice?
If you started your union career as an apprentice, the hours you work during your first year might not appear on your history. This is because most employers are not required by union contract to pay pension contributions for new apprentices until one year from the date of hire, or until 750 hours are worked, whichever comes later. This does not mean employers are prohibited from making pension contributions for these apprentices, and in some cases, employers are required by contract to contribute to the Pension Fund on behalf of apprentices. If your employers did not pay contributions for your first year of employment as an apprentice, your hours worked still count towards participation in the Pension Plan and towards the five years of Continuous Service you need to become vested in the Pension Plan.